
Golden Flexostar Printing Award

RKW has again shown it’s expertise in printing quality by winning the Golden Flexostar award at the French Technical Association of Flexography ATF, for their Oranjeboom print design, in co-operation with plate maker Medialliance. The multi-pack print design, produced at the Saint Freres Emballages factory in northern France, features flexographic printing in seven colours in…
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Special Offer for FIBCs

Why not take advantage of our generosity and send us an enquiry for your FIBCs (bulk bags). For a limited period we have a price reduction of 10 percent on new FIBC enquiries and business concluded before the end of October (subject to extension if a resounding success!) Check out our price and we’ll give…
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GripFix anti-slip agent; no more pallet problems!

With the launch here in the UK of the GripFix anti-slip agents and BagFix applicators from H.Rand in Germany, we have a final solution to any pallet stability problems with slipping sacks. It’s an impressive performance that you need to see, and is very cost effective. Reduce your secondary hooding or wrapping costs by using…
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Sustainability – reducing materials, emissions and costs

Since 2005 we have seen a reduction in the materials used in the production process by between -25% to -38% depending on the market and product range. Raw materials generate the largest share of CO2 in typical extrusion products, typically up to 82% of the total. By down-gauging we protect our natural resources with a…
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Colchester Office > we have moved!

We are pleased to announce that the General Office has moved to larger premises; Rosenflex UK Ltd The Colchester Centre Hawkins Road Colchester, Essex England CO2 8JX T: +44 (0)1206 266850 F: +44 (0)1206 266856 The Sales Office remains in Elland, Halifax. We look forward to dealing with any requests or queries you may have.
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RKW Finland wins 2 EFIA print awards

The RKW Global Business Area “ProMotion” (consumer packaging) has been rewarded twice for outstanding print quality. The Finnish plant Rosenlew RKW Finland Oy and its repro company Sata-Flexo won the European Flexographic Industry Association’s (EFIA) gold and silver awards. The awarding ceremony took place at the Reebok Stadium in Bolton, England on March 21st. RKW…
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Polydress O2 Barrier innovative film; wins an award

Two RKW Group researchers, Dr. Jan P. Eubeler and Dr. Holger Eggers have won the Special Award of the MRN Innovation Prize of the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region Foundation, for the material innovation called POLYDRESS O2 BARRIER 2IN1. POLYDRESS O2 BARRIER 2IN1, is an innovative silage barrier film for agriculture, uses just half the raw materials…
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Preliminary Result 2011

Revenue increased to GBP 2.87m, +5.7% with an EBIT of 5.15% and a Retained Profit of GBP 30.5k, 1.06%. Retained profit of GBP 159k, +23.8% Current Ratio 1.24 Debt to Equity Ratio 4.09 Stock Turns 5.93 Sales in primary products as a percentage of recenues were as follows; Product, % of Sales, % Difference PE 74.00% +1.70%…
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2011: An increase in turnover again

2011: An increase in turnover again saw us improve on our best year with sales increasing by +5.7% to £2.87m but with headwinds looking likely in 2012 we need to work hard to maintain our good work. Dear Customer, Sales increased in FIBCs and PE products but fell in Paper based markets so a review…
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